- Square joints make all the difference. You cannot fake square joints with lots of mud and tape.
- Thickly applied mud will crack. This is only a problem, however, if you're not planning to mud nine more times. Which you probably should be.
- The first coat of mud is the easiest to get smooth, so do not half-ass it and assume it'll work itself out later.
- Sanding between coats of mud may seem like an easy way to make up for half-assing the step above, but this is a dirty trick. You will be sorry indeed if you fall for it and subsequent coats take twice as long because you're going over ruts left in otherwise smooth mud by little cling-ons of dry dust and wet mud.
- The giant bucket of pre-mixed mud is not for amateurs. It is for AWESOME.
- Do not bang plastic taping knives on the concrete pavers outside your house trying to get dried mud off. The edges are smooth for a reason.
- If you have time to take a break, you have time to clean your mud pan and taping knives so the mud doesn't dry on them. You may not, however, have time to run to the hardware store to get new tools after the mud sets up and you've destroyed the ones you were using before by banging them on concrete pavers.
- Mudding a ceiling can be mind-numbing. Dismounting your ladder from the top rung without descending may seem a tempting way to put and end to this, but it's not worth it.
- Joint compound is probably the single substance you encounter in remodeling a house that is neither a skin irritant nor permanent once you get it on your clothes. Wipe your hands on your jeans and keep going.
- Those fancy corner taping knives only work if your pieces of drywall are hung at perfect 90〫angles. Which, let's face it, is un-fucking-likely.
- The best music for drywalling is booty house.
- A ladder is not a good place for you to dance.
- You can keep mudding until the walls are perfect. Or you can do what sensible people do and give up once 50% of the room is covered in mud. And then you can have a beer.
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